SorsiCorti 18th Edition
Short Films in competition
Study No. 294
Robert Gordon Campbell | USA | 2023 | 7’57” | video art

Breve animazione sperimentale con colonna sonora jazz improvvisata dei Triptet, tratta dall’album SLOWLY, AWAY.
Short experimental animation with improvisational jazz soundtrack by Triptet from their album SLOWLY, AWAY.
Robert Gordon Campbell

Il lavoro di Robert Campbell comprende videoarte, media digitali, performance multimediali, installazioni e film documentari. Dal 1984, le sue opere di videoarte a canale singolo sono state esposte in festival e mostre negli Stati Uniti, in Europa e in Giappone. Negli ultimi 30 anni i suoi lavori sui nuovi media, le installazioni e le stampe digitali sono stati esposti a livello regionale e nazionale presso il Frye Art Museum, il Whatcom Museum, la Kittredge Gallery, la Henry Art Gallery, il 911 Media Arts Center, il COCA, la Fuel Gallery, la SOIL Gallery, il Kirkland Art Center, il Peeler Art Center, la Commencement Art Gallery, MOV-iN Gallery, Santa Fe Center for Contemporary Art, Cheekwood Museum of Art, Museum of Northwest Art, University of Arizona Museum of Art, e incluso nell’International Symposium on Electronic Art (ISEA) del 2012 e in nove degli ultimi undici festival annuali Currents Santa Fe International New Media. Le sue collaborazioni video/danza/musica sono state presentate a On the Boards, Bumbershoot, Cornish Playhouse, Port Angeles Fine Art Center, MOXSonic Missouri Experimental Sonic Arts Festival e Lincoln Center. Nel 2016 è stato Astra Zarina Fellow presso l’Istituto Civita in Italia centrale; Artist-In-Residence presso: Pilchuck Glass School (2006, ’07) e Centrum (2000, ’05 e ’09) nello Stato di Washington; e Burren College of Art nella contea di Clare, Irlanda (2000). Dal 1991 è membro del Dipartimento d’Arte del Cornish College of the Arts di Seattle, Washington, dove ha insegnato corsi di videoarte, nuovi media, documentario, animazione, digital imaging, cinema sperimentale, video per la danza e videoinstallazione.
Robert Campbell’s body of work includes video art, digital media, multi-media performance, installation, and documentary film. Since 1984, his single-channel video art work has been exhibited at festivals and exhibitions in the U.S., Europe and Japan. For the past 30 years his new media, installation and digital print work has been featured regionally and nationally at the Frye Art Museum, Whatcom Museum, Kittredge Gallery, Henry Art Gallery, 911 Media Arts Center, COCA, Fuel Gallery, SOIL Gallery, Kirkland Art Center, Peeler Art Center, Commencement Art Gallery, MOV-iN Gallery, Santa Fe Center for Contemporary Art, Cheekwood Museum of Art, Museum of Northwest Art, University of Arizona Museum of Art, and included in the 2012 International Symposium on Electronic Art (ISEA) and nine of the past eleven annual Currents Santa Fe International New Media Festivals. His video/dance/music collaborations have been featured at On the Boards, Bumbershoot, Cornish Playhouse, Port Angeles Fine Art Center, MOXSonic Missouri Experimental Sonic Arts Festival and Lincoln Center. He was the 2016 Astra Zarina Fellow with The Civita Institute in central Italy; Artist-In-Residence at: Pilchuck Glass School (2006, ’07) and Centrum (2000, ’05 and ’09) in Washington State; and Burren College of Art in County Clare, Ireland (2000). A core faculty member of the Art Department at Cornish College of the Arts in Seattle, Washington since 1991, he has taught courses in video art, new media, documentary, animation, digital imaging, experimental cinema, video for dance, and video installation.
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