Simone Arcagni is Associate Professor at the University of Palermo. Cinema, video, media and new technologies scholar and critic. He collaborates with «Nòva – Il Sole 24 Ore», «Oxygen», «Technonews», «DigiCult», «Segnocinema» and other scientific and scientific reporting reviews . He hold a blog called Postcinema on the journalistic site «Il Sole 24 Ore». He is the Director of «Screencity Journal» and «EmergingSeries Journal». Collaborator, reviewer and scientific committee of various international conferences, festivals, reviews and book series.
He wrote and edited various books including: Screen City (Bulzoni), Music Video (with Alessandro Amaducci) (Kaplan); Oltre il cinema. Metropoli e media (Kaplan); Dal Postmoderno al Post-cinema (edited by, with Giovanni Spagnoletti) (“Close-up”); Cinema e web (edited by with Giovanni Spagnoletti) (“Close-up”).